Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Moon - No Moon

Paying attention to the cycles of the Moon is an insightful way of tapping into additional tools with which we can facilitate lives that thrive.

IAm The Bright Moon among the stars, Charge of The goddess Inspired series charm bracelet,

According to the 2012 We'Moon Calendar book ( and  ), every moon represents a certain corresponding energy and this one is not exception. The New Moon is in Virgo this month... This is the artistry / alchemy moon, with this newly released creative energy staying with us until the middle of October. The next two weeks are a time of concept and courage, waking up with the inspiration and bravado to put our energies behind the things we would like to bring to the light.

13 moons ,Triple Moon Necklace Gemstone Vintage

With the Autumn Equinox around the corner on September 22, this is a preparatory time when we gather our supplies, our components, our ideas, ready to spend the 6 weeks between the Fall Equinox and the Witch's New Year on October 31 in full production...


The underworld beckons as the days grow shorter, take advantage of the final harvests of the season on many levels, live in gratitude, and let your inner critic take a break as you plan the rest of the year.

Tonight is the time when Luna hides on us. She is resting and said to be celebrating her moon time... gathering her energies, in preparation for the challenges between now and the next time she can withdraw...

We would be wise to follow suit.

                Blessed New Moon

The new moon is the birthing cycle of the moon's various phases. The new moon phase is an optimal time for planning and seeding your intentions. Seedlings need a period of gestation before they break through the soil and reach for the sunlight. This is also true for our ideas and our desires. The dark side of the moon, with its mysterious unseen forces, offers a nurturing environment where our intentions can establish roots before their miraculous manifestations begin to sprout and reach out to the stars. Ceremony for Birthing Your Wishes and DesiresSetting aside a few minutes each month during the new moon phase to focus on yours wishes and desires will help give you clarity of mind and fill your heart with promise. When it comes to setting goals or planning ahead for your future there is no better time to get started than during the new moon. Any intentions stated or written down carries power, so please take care in considering the things that you really want. The saying "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it." is fair warning whenever setting your new moon intentions into motion. But, no worries. The moon has its phases and so do our individual wants and needs. This is why it is a good practice to rededicate your list of intentions each month when another new moon visits.
Prep for Upcoming New Moon Manifestation Check a moon phase calendar for the next upcoming new moon. Set aside 20-30 minutes to do the ritual itself. Supply suggestions: notebooks pen and colored markers scissors scotch tape candle matches incense smudge sticks meditation CDs Prepare yourself a sacred space where to perform the ceremony when the new moon arrives Setting your New Moon Intentions in Motion
Cleanse your sacred area with an opening prayer, a sage smudging, and/or by burning some incense. Light one or more candles. Center your being and calm yourself in whatever way is appropriate for you. Take some deep cleansing breaths, slip in a meditation CD to listen to, and/or leisurely sip on a cup of relaxing herbal tea. Open your notebook, and date the first page. Write down these words "I accept these things into my life now or something better for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned." or something similar. Below your affirmation statement, begin writing down your desires. Your list may consist of only one item or you may have several pages written down. Try not to limit yourself. If having many things in your life helps to fulfill you then don't deny yourself wanting these things. During the month when an item on your new moon list comes to you, don't merely cross it off of your list, take the time to rewrite the list in its entirety eliminating the manifested item from the listing. This is highly recommended. At the same time you may add whatever else that you have decided you would like. Feel free to reword any of the original phrases if they better fit your life now. It is natural that your desires will change as time advances. A second notebook will be used as a manifestation scrapbook where you paste in pictures or catalog clippings of items that you want to manifest. This is a fun project so enjoy yourself. You will soon be amazed how these things begin to find their way into your life once you start this process. Rededicating your New Moon Intentions
Each month at the new moon rededicate your intentions by renewing your list at a repeated ritual. This is accomplished by rewriting your list out using a fresh sheet of paper. Don't get in the habit of simply scratching out the items you no longer desire and adding the new stuff to the bottom of your old list. You don't want clutter and sloppiness energies messing up your new stuff do you? Disregard any items that no longer feed your soul and add new things that do. It is helpful to salt and pepper your manifest list with smaller items that will manifest quickly, such as tickets to the ballet, lunch with a friend, or a day at the spa. You may think that smaller things are too trivial to put on your intention list... Wrong! Things that tend to manifest with little effort still deserve to be written down. Write down everything that you desire, no matter how little or simple. If it is something that makes you happy, write it down. Manifesting smaller items on our lists actually creates a steady flow of energy to the list. These smaller manifestations create movement, allowing an ebb and flow of the tides. We are dealing here with the moon cycles after all. Besides, sometimes we forget to appreciate the smaller pleasures in our lives while we are waiting for the BIG stuff to come in. If you only write statements like, "I want to win the lottery" in your notebook then you are limiting yourself by not allowing abundance to flow to you from other avenues.

Reader Response regarding this ritual Next: Full Moon Release Ritual
Healing Rituals Celebrating Menarche Self Love Ceremony Ritual of Smudging Manifesting Your Desires Manifesting Scrapbook Power of Intention Law of Attraction Letting Go Causes of Mental Clutter When Life Throws You a Curve Ball Letting Go Lessons Related Articles Reiki Moon Rituals - Reiki Magical Moon Phases The New Moon - New Moon Energies - This New Moon “Manifestation Central” - Feng Shui ?Manifestation Central? - Feng Shui

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Red Paper Manifestation Ritual ~ 'Sourceress Speaks...

A humble little ritual
“What You Want Ain’t Going To Manifest Itself!”

Manifestation, when it comes to all things witchy, would be so much better if we were all like Samantha in Bewitched, and we could wiggle our noses to make things happen. If we were half as able to be magical on demand, we would be able to rid our uteruses of pesky Republicans, but alas, bringing things to be isn’t as easy as all that. 

So what’s the magic trick to attracting that which you want to yourself, where and when you want it?

Giving your dreams flight...
First of all… There is a bit of criteria around the whole ‘make it so’ aspect of witchcraft. ‘Do what thou wilt but harm none’ is one part of it… we can’t just impose our agenda on the rest of our world without thought to who will be affected and how much. So… one needs to consider their motivation as to the expectations that we impose on these manifestion steps.

To begin with, your integrity needs to be without question. Manifesting for the wrong reasons is a quick and surefire means of entering a very steep learning curve where the only thing you are going to bring upon yourself is a dicey situation and the consequences of summoning it. 

The purest of intentions...

The initial important things are out of the way now, and you have clearly convinced yourself that your intentions are pure and good, and that you deserve it. What now?

Now is when you day dream. Barn storm all the aspects of what you want. Make a collage, draw pictures, write long detailed notes about it or poetry or repeat it in a mantra for a meditation, however you feel comfortable giving your visualization life.

So, given that you are pure of heart in your wishes of attainment, the next thing for consideration is critical to the process. Do you believe you deserve this? When you ask yourself if you are sure, listen for those niggling doubts of insecurity or fear of scarcity, as those will be surefire negative elements that will work against your acquiring your intended goal. Keep revisiting how you are thinking about what you are wanting until you feel sure you are truly deservant.

Steadfast in knowing I deserve this...

When you are satisfied with your visionary stage, and you are sure you have overridden any second guessing from those pesky internal critics, it is time to now summon the ingredients of the ritual. 

(A little reminder: If your inner critic is loving and caring, then they are looking out for your best interests as any caring friend would, however, if that voice is not complimentary to your process, then it is motivated by core beliefs instituted by questionable authority figures from early in your life and are NOT to be heeded. Sally Kempton's famous quote comes to mind: 'It's hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.' Only listen to the input from within if it's positive or affirming.)

You will need:

~ A sheet of red paper
~A pen
~An ashtray or cauldron that can withstand a little fire
~ A fire source (the sacred Bic comes to mind, matches will do)

Multiple manifestations make for a wider signal to the 'source...

When the moon is new, that is when she is in hiding, that is when you do the dreaming of what you want to bring into your life. If you have a moon calendar and can tell when the moon goes Void of Course is the optimal time, but in a pinch, whenever will do. 

Next, write out your list of ‘demands’ on the red paper and don't forget to look at your calendar. What is the time frame for bringing your wish to fruition? Add this to the list. 

Be clear, be as detailed as you can think of, and finally, write these most important words after your wish.

The equivalent or better.’

You are almost done. Just a few more moments and your desires will be winging their way along the multiverses, beelining it to the 'dreams department' of the fae. This is when we take it to the next level by lifting your words off the paper and giving them voice. Take a moment to tell the universe what it is you are desiring by reading out what you have written out loud. A witness or two doesn’t hurt, nor does tandem ritualing to bring several things at once with others. Think of it as creating a vortex of abundance. 

The equivalent or better...

Do NOT forget to say ‘the equivalent or better’ at the end.

Set fire to your paper  immediately and as the paper disintegrates to ashes, let it go, let it Goddess…

Finally, consult your calendar and set your sights on a date that is past the estimated time of your manifestation… the very instant that your focus shifts, the wheels of universal energy will begin grinding joyously, to bring you closer to your goal. 

Lastly, surrender your expectations and be secure that whatever it is you are drawing to you is already yours, and you are simply awaiting for the time/space continuum to connect you on the physical plane. 

Now all that’s left is to get on with the business of thriving in your life and pay attention to synchronicity and coincidences relating to your manifesting as these are signs that your desired wish is on its way…

Bring it on!

Merry Magicking!

Remember: Power-with is supported by the universe, Power-over is not and guarantees a crash course in consequences. 

Now go with the flow!

Bright blessings… from the ~’Sourceress Christina – your Crones Magical Crafts wicked witch o the wet west… with her intermittent 'Bits o' Wisdom'

~ If you enjoyed this blog, then check out my Facebook pages… is my funky upcycled clothing art page… a community for like minded wimmen and their allies… as well as a place where I showcase the amazing things I create from thrifted knitwear…  based on the tenets of a culture of generosity, non violent communication, love, sustainability and making the most out of life.

~ If upcycling is more your cuppa tea, come see me at which is the skookum home for upcycling eye candy and anything that might relate to the magic of using human ingenuity to make magic happen out of thin air in many ways, wether we are mothers, fathers, lovers, witches, wives or women, as long as we contribute to lessening the wastestreams of humanity…

~ Finally, for a bit of bloggy business away from the Crone Craft Chronicles… check out the Sistahoodz blog… with a story about each major creation I extrude…

See you back here again, real soon! Like, share, comment, inspire! 

'Sourceress Speaks will be a weekly feature but feel free to comment as I will gladly contribute to any conversation that happens to pop up! <3

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Help and opinions please

i was thinking last night, for those that d`ont know mw intimatly, LOL thats dangerous, hahhaha, BUT, i have a buisness mind, never stops. sooo, i was loving this tophatter fast pace auction site and i love etsy. however seems these days, sites like ebay, and others are starting to push us pagan aside, sucks i know, but its a reality. I had a ling chat with my webmaster last night, and we are going to start working together to create a site, Uniquly for pagan wiccans and metaphysical items, along the lines of esty and top hatter combine, wouldnt that be cool.!! you call all open stores on this site and run auction
Help me come up with some names.
witch market
The pagan marketplace

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My New Video for this years starting collections. Enjoy !

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Prosperity And Abundance *Going Green *

Who cant use a little Prosperity and abundance these days ? Is it wrong to ask the universe for good luck,money and abundance ?

Alot of people refrain or feel ashamed for casting money spells, or wearing amulets and talismans for money or prosperity.I feel the universe is ready to give,you need only ask!
There is nothing wrong with wanting to attract money,or prosperity your way,and it`s not selfish.
It`s ours for the taking.

Cast your hesitations aside and get ready to conjure and manifest !
Call forth the fates of prosperity and let it rain abundance in your life,after all the more you have, the more you can share with others.

Some wonderful and simple ways to attract those money and luck fairys are gemstones and crystals.
Mostly found in tones of green,however yellows,golds and reds too! How yummy !

If you play the lottery, carry an aventurine in your left pocket to stimulate money energies all around you. Aventurine is traditionally known as the stone of chance and luck. If your business is not as prosperous as you'd like, try placing 3 garnet gemstones on your desk. One of the garnet's energies is success in business.

Gemstones contain energies and powers that come from the earth itself. It is believed that each stone possesses it's own set of vibrations that can become attuned with your own vibrations in order to bring about more of that kind of energy in your life - such as love, protection, health or prosperity (wealth, money, good fortune in business, etc.)

By using a money stone for meditation, a magic ritual, or even carrying it in your pocket or purse, you can increase your own will and intent to bring more money into your life.

Some awesome crystals for attracting money are:
Citrine Gemstone meaning
Citrine is a yellow-to-golden member of the quartz mineral group. A deep golden variety from Madiera Spain can resemble the costly imperial topaz gem stone, which is one reason that citrine is a popular birthstone alternative to those born in November.

Citrine has been called the "stone of the mind". Ancient cultures believed that placing a citrine on the forehead of an elder would increase his psychic power.

Money energies of citrine
Citrine is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". If you are in any type of sales, just put a citrine in the cash drawer and watch what happens. Also used by healers to:

increase self esteem
protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse
open the mind to new thoughts
promote clarity of thought
Healing properties of citrine
Citrine is sometimes used by healers to help with digestion as it is considered beneficial to the endocrine and digestive system - cleansing, purifying and eliminating poisons that have built up. Citrine is an excellent stone to calm and soothe distressed conditions. Some use it to help relieve depression, digestive problems (including constipation and diabetes). It will give joy and love to the owner.

Sources of citrine
Sources of citrine include Brazil, Bolivia, several African countries and parts of the Soviet Union.

Green Aventurine

Aventurine Gemstone meaning
You should never buy a lottery ticket without an aventurine in your left pocket. Lady Luck will be in your left pocket. This is the stone of opportunity. Aventurine is known as the stone of chance or luck. If you gamble or play the lotto, keep this stone in your left pocket.

Aventurine is mainly quartz, a quartzite, usually containing mica. It occurs in several colors including green, red and blue.

Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and chance. It is said to increase perception and creative insight. It is a heart chakra stone.

Healing properties of Aventurine
It is used to aid nearsightedness. Aventurine has a stabilizing effect on the emotions. It is excellent for teenagers.

Green Moss Agate

Moss Agate Gemstone meaning
Moss agate is a multi-shade of green that resembles moss or trees from a distance. It is sometimes found with bands of brown agate and when this occurs it is called mocha stone.

Moss agates are considered the most powerful of the agates. It was the agate of warriors. Moss agate is the most powerful of the agates that helps balance emotional energy. It helps the user to let go of anger and bitterness, so the emotions are balanced. When used in jewelry the moss agate is believed to bring the wearer health, friends and riches.

Moss agate enhances concentration, persistence, endurance and success in one's endeavors. It is an abundance stone.

Healing properties of moss agate
Moss Agate strengthens in times of stress.

It is helpful in relieving sensitivities to weather and pollution. Midwives use it to assist in successful birthing. It is used to speed up recovery, conteract long term illnesses, cleanse the circulatory and elimination systems.


Types of Garnet
Garnets are a related group of minerals. Members of this group include: almandine (red to violet red); spessartite (yellow, rose, or orange to reddish-brown); pyrope (deep red); grossular (white, yellow, yellow-green, brownish-red, orange or black); andradite (colorless, yellow-green, or brown to black). The most prized garnet is an emerald green variety called demantoid and is a member of the adradite group.

Healing properties of Garnet
Garnet comes in many colors, but now we will speak only about red Garnet. The Garnet is associated with the thyroid and spleen. It helps cleanse and purify both when held over the area. The Garnet is usually held in the hand or placed on top of the head when searching or meditating on past lives. Information that is beneficial and helpful will usually be released for the searcher.

The Garnet is a stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion. The information released in a search may be painful, but it will always be what the searcher needs. The Garnet will help everyone's security level and spiritual awareness.It can help increase the sex drive.

Sources of Garnet
Currently, the world's largest supply of garnets is the continent of Africa. In December 1996, a student in Central Australia discovered what is thought to be the largest single garnet ever found - measuring nearly one hundred feet across! Other sources of garnet include India, Soviet Union, Brazil and the United States.
This weeks creations of  Jewelry

I was inspired this week by the Prosperity muse .For 4 days i played in all these stones making necklaces and bracelets for my etsy store and website.I had such a wonderful time feeling the eneries of these magical treasures. With my candle burning and spiitual guide incense lit i was transported by the goddess to my creative realm where we commune,
I hope you enjoy them.
You can click them and it will bring you to the etsy listing to see details.

Celtic Knot Goddess Of Prosperity 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wonder Woman is Rescued By The Goddess.

For some reason this full moon seems different, more powerful,she seems to be asking me to look deeper with in, deep in that place in our soul where we see and find out things about ourselves that we do not like or that need correcting , to live a life her her brilliant radiant light and feel good with in our souls.

The hustle and bustle of lifes everyday mundane tasks reak havok on ones spirit. Especially women, as spiritual beings we usually start our day thinking off and taking care of someone else, and end our day ,with head on the pillow, thinking the same.

From getting the children in order, bathed, fed, laundry, clean the house yet again, drive every one everywhere,groceries, cooking, and OMG the list never ever ends!. Then if you are married or have a partner, then comes the tending to them and by the time you get to bed, He wants sex, HUH, are you kidding me?. Like you have energy for that!.End of day we are physically,mentally,and spiritually burnt. Out Of Order !
 For those that are older, we then tend to our parents, lend ears to our friends troubles. As they say a woman's work is never done.
Perhaps, we as woman are putting to much work on our plates ?

I can only speak for myself,after a 10 year battle with the dragon ( Depression).I see in retrospect what triggered the downward spiral or as i like to refer to it as, put my spirit in bancrupcy.

At 29 i married a man with 3 children,they where quite young, 8,10,13, years of age, although at the time of my marriage 1 was with with his mother and the other 2 with their mother ,that peace and the honeymoon didn't last long.Although the son living with his grandmother was in a good home the other 2 where in a questionable environment. 
Then came Wonder Woman, Tada !! (Me)
So like a women's natural instinct is,we hauled the x-wife to court and won custody of the children.I quit my job or rather gave up my independence ,I had been working since the age of 14!We packed up the truck and moved 2 hours away from the city to the country, away from my friends, family,and all i knew and loved,closer to his family and i became insta Mom.

My husband was a chef and worked ridicuous hours from 6 am, to 11 pm, so i was Mom, PoP, taxi driver, and warden,cleaning lady and OH heck ! a whole lot of things.
2 of the children where very well behaved, well as well behaved as children can get anyway, one however was a severe trouble maker and i was forever at the school, police stations and apologizing to neibors for their missing items found in our yard, yikes *!
He is 26 now and actually has only spent a year in society, his home is unfortuantly Jail. In and Out. Thats a whole other article, lol.

My point here is that I, as majority of women do, gave up myself,my life,and my spirit for the sake of taking care of others.I did this until my marriage ended ,for 14 years.I now see in retrospect,my marriage ended because of depression.My husband wasn`t a very empathetic man,i got sick had 2 surgerys,battled depression,anxiety,and he would say *get over it* 

So while i was being a domestic goddess, my inner goddess was slowly dyeing. I had lost touch with my light, my spirit,my being.I *Dee* no longer existed.

Then came the sweet sounds of Mother Goddess.Her voice and energy whispering my name, telling me she is coming to reclaim her daughter.That this can no longer go on.!
I found refuge in her loving arms,spent evening moon gazing,listening to her speak to my soul.Started taking long hot soaks in the tub, meditating,spell working,reading.interacting with other women who inspired me and meeting women on social networks.
So with Goddess on my side and some handy bottles of medication,i  got my Amazon war gear on and engaged in my life.
 I took the drivers seat, which resulted in divorce, LOL.However it did result in a happier me and my spirit was coming out of bancrupcy.

My mother would play around with beads and make little odds n ends, so one day i sat with her and tryed to make a necklace.
To my surprise and delight Goddess had gifted me !!
I can remember when i first started to craft jewelry, the sleepless nights i spent excited,and swirling with ideas. Memorized by the colours and vibrations of gemstones and crystals.
My relationship with the Goddess was growing, i began to see her beauty in all that surrounded me,and took delight in the simplest of things, she was healing me !!

I began creating jewelry in her honour,and to my surprise,women where loving my designs and devotions to the goddess.
It is now my living and source of income.!
However i am still so very very humbled when some remarks on my pieces that they love them. I am so touched !
For me, as any artist i imagine, My art is a form of devotion, dedication and meditation to the mother goddess.They are very personal to me, each piece tells a story of her beauty and how she saved me.

I see women around me,heading in the same direction i was.
Not stopping to honour themselves, honour the goddess, and honor their inner goddess`s.
That old saying applies.

* If Mama ain`t happy, ain`t No one happy!*

Now that`s a true statement if I ever heard one.!

Sweet Moon sisters, we must make time for ourselves! Time to commune with the mother, to honour her mysteries, for she is the foundation in which you are built.
Make altars and shrines to her, for every time you walk by it, you c`ant help but think of her.
bath regularly in salt, as women we are major empathetics and will attract all energy from all around us like a magnet.
Take care of your spirits for they are your essence !
May Goddess keep you in her arms and safe and have a Blessed Full Moon!
Love and in her service.

One of my favorite things to do to connect with the great mother is 
*The self Blessings Ritual *

Self-Blessing Ritual

Written by Zsuzanna E. Budapest (I have shortened it a bit)
Founder of The Goddess Movement and Dianic Tradition

In this private ritual the woman is honoring her own divinity, the Goddess within herself. I will hopefully describe this powerful ritual, in a succinct fashion, that Budapest has clearly described in her essay.
 First, take a shower or bath to cleanse yourself. Create an altar to place on the floor with some salt in a container, a chalice containing half water and half wine, two candles on each side of the altar, and a flower in the middle. 
The flower in the middle represents your own Goddess spirit in a symbolic form because all that is from the Earth represents the Goddess. Now, take the salt from the altar and place some of it on the floor in front of your altar and stamp on it.
 Here the salt represents the wisdom (which now you should be standing on), the water represents the life force, and the wine is the sacred delight of the Goddess.
 Next, light the two candles and say, "Blessed be, thou creature of fire" . Then light your incense

Now you will begin to touch certain parts of your body with the mix of water and wine from your chalice and recite the affirmations that Budapest has given in her essay. First, dip your fingers and touching your forehead, say,
 "Bless me, Mother, for I am your child" . 
This is an acknowledgement of the birth of your life-force. Dip your fingers again and touch your nose saying, "Bless my nose to smell your essence" (. This symbolizes that the Goddess dwells in nature, she is nature, and we must remember to smell her through nature (such as the flower before you).
 Dip your fingers again and touch your lips citing, "Bless my lips to speak of you" Touching your lips is a reminder which respects the powerfulness of speech that the Goddess has given you. Through words we are able to heal others, confess our deepest thoughts, and influence others perhaps inducing change. Again, dip your fingers, touch your breasts, and say, "Bless my breasts, formed in strength and beauty" .
 Now, in acknowledging your connection with all that is female, dip your fingers and touch your genitals exclaiming, "Bless my genitals that bring forth life as you have brought forth the universe" . Lastly, dip your fingers and touch your feet saying, "Bless my feet, to walk in your paths" . Here you are affirming your power and the divine within you. After finishing this spell, stay on the salt for a few minutes and witness the energy flowing within your body. Extinguish your candles and repeat, 
"Thank you spirits, for being with me" 

Her wonderful loving voice can be heard singing the Self Blessings song Here: